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Checkin Hero Terms

Checkin Hero
Terms & Conditions

Here's everything you need to know about Checkin Hero Terms and Condition


These terms govern the Checkin Hero Service (“Checkin Hero”) provided by Superhog Ltd (“Superhog”) to Guests. These terms may be amended, modified, or updated from time to time at Superhog’s sole discretion. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised terms. In the event of any material changes that may affect your rights under these terms, we will provide you a notice of such changes and upon such notice, you are responsible for reviewing any changes made to these terms. Continued use of services after the effective date of the changes constitutes to your acceptance to the revised terms.


1.1. Checkin Hero is designed to come to your rescue and to smooth over would-be hiccups in your planned trip.

1.2. By purchasing Checkin Hero, you will be purchasing our service to verify the address of your booked Listing. If the address of the booked Listing is successfully verified, our team of trusted advisers will work to resolve any Check-In Issues you may encounter when arriving at the Property, subject to terms of this Agreement.

1.3. If, despite our best efforts, we cannot resolve the matter, we will help to cover the costs of finding an alternative place to stay.

1.4. Checkin Hero is not an insurance policy. You will not be reimbursed for the total re-booking costs under Checkin Hero. Any reimbursement is dependent on Superhog’s sole discretion during their review of the Check-In Issue. Travel insurance should be purchased so that for those unexpected occurrences i.e. sudden illness, damaged luggage, you are financially protected.

1.5. Any requests for refunds of the original Booking amount must be directed to the Host or the Platform used for the Booking. Superhog shall not be liable for recovering or compensating the Guest for any original Booking costs.


2.1. When making a reservation at a Property, the Guest has the option to add Checkin Hero to their stay for a one-off fee. Checkin Hero cannot be added to a Booking after it has been made.

2.2. The Guest agrees and acknowledges that:

2.2.1. The one-off fee paid for Checkin Hero is non-refundable; and

2.2.2. Checkin Hero cannot be cancelled once added to the Booking and has been paid for.

2.3. Upon purchasing Checkin Hero, Superhog will validate the address of their booked Listing. If the booked Listing address is successfully validated, the Guest shall be eligible for the benefit under the Checkin Hero. This includes reimbursement for any Check-In Issues, subject to the terms outlined in this agreement.

2.4. If the Guest encounters a Check-In Issue (as defined in clause 3.1) at the Property, the Guest should first contact the Host through the appropriate channels, such as in-app messaging, email, call. The Host will hopefully be able to resolve the matter for the Guest but if they are unable to reach the Host for any reason or the matter is not resolved within three (3) hours, the Guest should contact us as soon as possible. We will then review the issue and subject to the terms, confirm whether the Guest is covered by Checkin Hero.


3.1. “Check-In Issue” means the Property is either 1) inaccessible (e.g. you cannot enter the Property due to a faulty keybox, no key is provided etc.) or 2) has a Listing failure that makes it unhabitable (e.g. the Property has a lower sleeping capacity than advertised, the hot water or heating does not work, etc.).

3.1.1. A Property is deemed inaccessible when:

a) the Host fails to provide the Guest with clear instructions; or
b) instructions have been provided by the Host, but the Guest is unable to enter the Property. This could be for any number of reasons, such as someone is present in the Property, the keybox is broken, there is no key within the keybox, etc.

3.1.2. A Listing failure will include:

a) a lower sleeping capacity than declared in the Listing when the Booking was made;
b) broken or seriously damaged key fixtures and fittings, such as a bed;
c) the interior of the Listing is not protected from rain;
d) there is an unexpected animal or pet present at the Property not disclosed when the Booking was made;
e) no electricity or functional lighting;
f) no running water;
g) no hot water;
h) no working refrigerator if advertised in the Listing;
i) absence of functional cooking element such as an oven, stove, or microwave if advertised in the Listing;
j) presence of pests;
k) non-functional sewage system;
l) no functional bathtub or shower where either has been declared in the Listing;
m) significant leak or water damage;
n) the inability to secure the building for the Guest’s safety;
o) unsafe electrical wiring with live wires exposed out of walls or ceilings;
p) soiled beds, significant mould on surfaces including but not limited to walls and carpets; and
q) overflowing, unemptied refuse bins.

3.1.3. This list is exhaustive and does not include minor failings, such as a failed light bulb or a window which may be difficult to open.

3.1.4. Each Listing is unique. To safeguard Checkin Hero from any misuse, we will meticulously evaluate any Check-In Issues related to unique Listings including but not limited to camping, glamping, eco stays. The assessment will be based on the Check-In Issue raised and the description of the booked Listing to ascertain if the guest qualifies for reimbursement under Checkin Hero.


4.1. If the Guest has not been able to contact the Host and/or the issue remains unresolved three (3) hours after the Guest sought to contact the Host, the Guest should take the following steps:

4.1.1. Document the Issue: the Guest should take photos or videos to evidence the serious Check-In Issue they have encountered.

4.1.2. Contact Superhog: the Guest must contact Superhog’s resolutions team within 24 hours of checking in to the Property and must not have stayed the night. Contact should be made via the designated link found in their Checkin Hero confirmation email.

4.1.3. Submission of evidence: through the designated link, the Guest shall submit for review all relevant evidence, including but not limited to communications between the Host and the Guest regarding the Check-In Issues, photographs or videos documenting the issue, and proof of booking for alternative accommodation.

4.1.4. Review of submission: Superhog’s resolution team will then review the evidence provided by the Guest to, amongst other things:

a) verify the legitimacy of the Check-In Issue;
b) liaise with the Host, as required; and
c) request any missing information, such as further evidence or additional information required.


5.1. If payment is to be provided under Checkin Hero, we shall request the Guest’s bank details and process the payment within 15 Business Days from the date Superhog determines the Guest is eligible for payment under these terms, provided that Superhog has received and confirmed all required details from the Guest to make the payment.

5.1.1. Inaccessible Listing:
For those Listings which are inaccessible, Superhog may pay up to £/$/€75, or the equivalent currency of the original booking, for each Guest affected per night up to three (3) nights, or until the issue has been resolved, whichever is lower. Superhog will cover a maximum of £/$/€ 1500 or the Total Cost of Booking, whichever is lower.

5.1.2. Listing Failure:
For those Listings which are inaccurately described or have a Listing Failure, Superhog may pay up to £/$/€75, or the equivalent currency of the original booking, for each Guest affected per night for the first three (3) nights, or until the issue has been resolved, whichever is lower. Superhog will cover a maximum of £/$/€ 1500 or the Total Cost of Booking, whichever is lower.

5.2. In cases where a booking involves multiple Guests, we shall require evidence to confirm the presence of the specified number of affected guests. Only affected Guests are eligible to receive reimbursement under the Checkin Hero – any Guests who were part of the Booking but for some reason did not attend the Property will not be deemed eligible.

5.3. If the Guest is deemed ineligible under Checkin Hero for whatever reason (e.g. due to late reporting), no reimbursement will be made.


6.1. The Host and the Guest will be given an opportunity to submit relevant evidence to the Superhog Adjudication Service before a decision is made.

6.2. The Guest acknowledges and agrees that the decision of the Superhog Adjudication Service is final and binding upon them and constitutes final determination of any Payment due and payable to the Guest in respect of the Booking with Checkin Hero service.

6.3. This does not impact the right of the Host or the Guest to bring independent legal proceedings in respect of a Booking should they wish to challenge the final decision of the Superhog Adjudication Service.


7.1. To the extent Checkin Hero is purchased by an Agent or representative of a Guest, it is deemed to be purchased by the Guest and confirms their acceptance to its terms.

7.2. The Guest acknowledges that abuse of Checkin Hero or any terms relating to it will result in ineligibility to receive reimbursement.

7.3. Any Payment by Superhog in relation to these terms is discretionary and reliant on Superhog’s sole discretion. If we do not remit any Payments, we shall notify the Guest in writing. Our decision to make or not make a Payment is final.


8.1. These terms and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The Guest agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

8.2. The unenforceability or invalidity of any clause in these terms shall not have an impact on the enforceability or validity of any other clause.

8.3. Notices under these terms will be in writing and delivered by email. Any notice sent by email will be deemed received eight hours after the email is sent, unless or in the event notification of non-delivery is received.


1. The definitions and rules of interpretation which apply in this Agreement:

Booking” means, a confirmed stay;

Business Day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England when banks in London are open for business;

Guest” means both the lead guest who makes a Booking and any accompanying occupants;

Host” means an accommodation property advertiser who is advertising a Listings on a recognised STR Platform;

Listing” (also “Property”) means any residential property (including but not limited to campervans, boats, mobile homes, and any other impermanent structures), which a Host has the legal and/or contractual right to offer to Guests and which complies with Home Standards;

Property” see “Listing” definition;

Platform” means (or “STR Marketplace”) means a recognised short-term rental platform or marketplace, such as (but not limited to) Airbnb, or VRBO, also including;

Superhog” means Superhog Limited and/or any Group Company. Superhog shall also mean and any other Superhog branded websites, web pages, mobile websites (collectively, the “Site”), and any mobile applications (the “App”) owned and or operated by SUPERHOG;

Superhog Adjudication Service” means a mechanism used by Superhog to resolve Checkin Hero related issues between Hosts and Guests;

“Total Cost of Booking” means a collective amount of prepaid, forfeited, non-refundable payments or deposits made towards a booking;

2. Clause, schedule and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of these terms.

3. A reference to a company shall include any company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or established.

4. Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural shall include the singular.

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